A Boost for Rural Care Needs – National Rural Health Day 2019

National Rural Health Day 2019

National Rural Health Day is an opportunity to Celebrate the Power of Rural by honoring the community minded, “can do” spirit that prevails at Premier Specialty Network. This special day also gives us the chance to bring to light the unique healthcare challenges that rural citizens face and showcase efforts addressing those challenges.

Here are just a few of the many ways individuals and organizations can Celebrate the Power of Rural:


  • Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper or contact a local legislator to stress the importance of addressing the health needs of your local rural community. Describe both the challenges your community faces and point out the successes and innovation taking place.
  • Contact local media; arrange National Rural Health Day interviews. Send a press release.


  • Host a local healthcare photo, video, or art contest, with winners announced on National Rural Health Day.
  • Have a community-wide open house.
  • Coordinate with other organizations – EMS, hospital, clinic, public health, etc. and give tours of your facility.
  • Host a community health fair.
  • Offer blood-pressure checks or health food recipes and samples.
  • Hold a staff appreciation day event.


  • Obtain a proclamation that recognizes National Rural Health Day from local public officials.
    • Contact your chamber of commerce, town, or village board for the proper procedure.
    • Invite the official to an event to read the proclamation.
  • Present rural health awards to honor community heroes.
  • Visit community leaders to educate them on rural health issues and tout the work of local providers addressing those needs.
    • Bring fact sheets on local, state, and national rural health information.


  • Put a link to the National Rural Health Day website on your homepage.
  • Acknowledge National Rural Health Day on social media.
  • Hold a rural health trivia contest on Facebook.


  • Plan a feld trip to a local hospital or other rural health-related facility.
  • Partner with a local hospital, EMS agency, or other healthcare provider to allow students to “shadow”.
  • Invite health professionals to speak in the classroom.
  • Host a health-related community service project.
  • Plan a health information fair or help paint a rural health clinic.
  • Hold rural-themed poster or essay contests.
  • Host a National Rural Health Day “Fun Day” to promote health and wellness – students can participate in fun physical activities, sample healthy foods, and receive health information.
  • Host a “Health Careers Day” to introduce students to career options.
  • Teach special rural-themed courses on National Rural Health Day (e.g., rural history or rural economics).

Let us know how your community is celebrating National Rural Health Day! Simply leave a comment here, and we may use your testimony in our next PSN newsletter!

For more information about National Rural Health Day, activity-related examples and templates, and other useful resources, visit www.powerofrural.org!


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