Mission Matters – Creating Organizational Success

Mission Matters

Warren Bennis is widely recognized as one of the leading experts on business management in the country. He has published more than 25 books on the topic and has been a distinguished professor in the school of business at the University of Southern California for many years. Dr. Bennis encourages the use of organizational mission statements in his writings and reminds business leaders that successful organizations use them to keep their people focused on what is really important.

The PSN mission statement is simple but compelling: to improve access to specialty care services in rural areas. It has focused our efforts and motivated us for more than a decade now. The statistics tell the story best. People living in rural areas are less healthy than those living in metropolitan areas due to a variety of reasons. One of those reasons is the lack of access to medical specialists. Hence the importance of the PSN mission.

Recently a client in rural Iowa cancelled its contract with PSN. It doesn’t happen very often, in fact our retention rate is extremely high, more than 95%. Normally this would be a cause for concern but not in this case. When we started there a couple of years ago the area was greatly under-served for rheumatology services. Due to the efforts of PSN providers and the commitment to the program by the client hospital the volume in the clinic grew to the point it could support a full time provider. The hospital was able to hire a full time rheumatologist to continue the services started by PSN. Our providers have moved on to other assignments and the health and well being of that community has been improved.

In October PSN set a new record for client service revenues. It is apparent our focus on improving access to specialty care services in rural areas is creating organizational success. We continue to enjoy double digit growth year over year because our mission matters and we have dedicated providers and staff who support it.

There is much more to be done, keep up the good work!

Dave Neuendorf, MHA, MA, FACHE
Chief Executive Officer

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