PSN’s Corporate Partnership at the ICAHN 2015 Vendor Fair

ICAHN Vendor Fair

SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOISThe Illinois Critical Access Hospital Network, comprised of 53 member hospitals, recently hosted its 2015 Vendor Fair for hospital ancillary department leadership on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at The Crowne Plaza, Springfield, IL. More than 120 people were in attendance, with 60 vendors from across the nation exhibiting.

“ICAHN invites businesses serving healthcare and who market products and services to critical access hospitals to this event including Premier Specialty Network, who served as a Corporate Partner,” said Stephanie Cartwright, ICAHN Communications and Media Specialist.

“PSN’s goal of improving access to healthcare by partnering with rural institutions focused on expanding their specialty services was in direct correlation with the goals of our event. It was our hope that PSN and all the other participating vendors gained visibility and corporate exposure among hospital leaders from throughout the state.”

The theme of the event was “Creating a Culture of Teamwork: Be Your Community’s Hospital of Choice,” which encouraged the message of positive-driven leadership, team-building, networking, and exchange of best practices.

ICAHN is a network of 53 small rural Illinois hospitals dedicated to strengthening the operations of its member hospitals through collaboration. The organization is composed of Illinois hospitals who have earned critical access hospital designation by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. ICAHN is recognized nationally for its work with rural healthcare and administers several state, federal, and private healthcare programs, including the management of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Grant, the Small Hospital Improvement Grant, and several other grant programs on behalf of the Illinois Department of Public Health.

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